"Greystone, Tennessee" by William Rieppe Moore
Greystone, Tennessee
A nighhawk has come with the night,
a whip-poor-will more like to
snatch moths and caddisflies
above the trees at dusk. Bull-
bat with a Boom as it pulls out
of a dive, it doesn't hesitate to cry,
Peent! Peent! to find its food
on the wing—somethin’ I'd like to
be doin' too, even if I'd have to be
mottled brown and velvety.
Truth is, I wouldn't care at all, if
I could abide the suit, to get my
milk like this goatsucker has been
fabled to do. Get me a barn to raid
to feel my oats and flit to trees
with that jawrin farmer afoot while
he—as I have done—slumps to lift
a leadlovin' shotgun from his hip.