Hint Fiction by Three Authors

Photo Credit: Chris Zhang, obtained and licensed through Unsplash

Photo Credit: Chris Zhang, obtained and licensed through Unsplash


“Swimming Pool” by Susan M. Breall

She dangled her feet close to theirs. As he pushed each beautiful screaming body over the edge, she thought how lucky they were.

“A Place So Quiet” by Phoebe Brueckner

In this place they could hear their tears when they hit the floor and the wax when it reached the foil.

“Carpentry” by Adam Conner

He sanded down her scabs, rubbed a walnut on her bruises. A carpenter’s trick. But a broken heart - that’d be harder to repair.

By day Susan M. Breall handles cases involving allegations of abuse, abandonment, or neglect of children. By night she writes short stories. Her stories appear in numerous anthologies including Impermanent Facts, The Write Launch, Running Wild Press vol.3 and vol.5 , The Raw Art Review, Aba Terra Anthology, Kairos Literary Review, Paragon Press’ Martian Chronicles, and Writer’s Dreaming, vol.1.

Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Phoebe mostly writes short fiction, which has been published or is forthcoming in Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine, Fiction Attic, Flash Fiction Magazine, and more.


Adam Conner currently lives in New Jersey with his wife and daughter.

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